Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A0B3 planning a new uk film

 Derrick Bird

 My plan is for a UK film and I have decided to make a documentary/ biography film. The film will appeal to a wide range of people aged 15 years and above and will attract a worldwide audience as it deals with themes that are understood throughout the world. It will be of interest to anyone who enjoys watching a drama based on real-life events and satisfy a thirst that most of us have to delve in to the lives of others. It will be a real-life Eastenders.  My ideas for the film came from recent updates in the news on this particular case and researching on the internet. I decided to make a film about Derrick Bird because it is hard-hitting, current and many people remember it. I am making this film and feel that its in-keeping with the current trend of making low budget films due to cuts in the budget for the UK Film Council. I think that it is a wise decision to make a film that is low in terms of costs to make and will hopefully be a success and put money back into the UK economy. The name of the film will be Bird of a Feather, this will relate to his name (Derrick Bird) and the fact that the story pivots round his family. After much research I discovered that a title such as this resonates with the target audience and provokes intrigue and interest.  

The film will be based on the life of Derrick Bird, the self employed taxi driver from Cumbria and what drove him to kill 12 people and injure 11 others, then finally killing himself. It will follow the events that lead up to the fateful day. The film meets the criteria for being classified as a British film as it meets several of the criteria required e.g The 'Maker' test - my film will be made by a company that is registered and centrally managed and controlled in the UK. It also meets other criteria. I have based my film on a British event and a British man and the story is very recent and up to date. It will require a very small budget because there are no special effects or top named actors. I will use actors that have not yet made a name for themselves and therefore will not demand a large fee for doing it and people in the community who will work for screen credits.  
It will be filmed in different locations in the country as I feel that filming in the area that it took place would be rather insensitive and evoke painful memories for the local people.  However the audience will assume that it is being filmed in the area that it took place.

The film will investigate the cause/motives of Derrick Bird's killing spree and give the audience an insight into the life of someone driven to killing.

The film opens with a  black and white scene of a walker trying to help  a man in distress. The audience is unaware at this point who the characters are but can see that the man in question is clearly uncomfortable and paniced as he is rambling, angry and covered in beads of sweat. This will instantly put the audience in a state of unease as they are unsure as to the events that have unfolded previously. The camera language and editing during this scene will be franetic, jittery and disorientating. After 3 or 4 minutes the scene will fade to black and the audience is still unaware as to who the characters are and what has happened. This scene takes place at the start of the film but is actually the penultimate scene of the story. Following on from the fade to black you see a man sitting down and relaxing on his couch and watching TV without a care in the world, or so it appears. This is the same man who we have just seen in a state of distress and so the audience is transported back in time and we start to see the events unfold.  The phone rings and he slides across the couch to pick up the receiver. The audience then witnesses a conversation that soon becomes heated and the man soon shows visible signs of becoming angry and agitated. The phone receiver is slammed down and he then storms up to his loft and out of sight. At this point all the audience can hear is the sound of boxes being moved about and the man muttering under his breath, he then emerges from the loft with a dust covered box which he slides under his bed. He goes back down stairs, pours himself a brandy and carries on watching tv and dozes off until the alarm on his mobile phone alerts him that his shift as a taxi driver is about to start. Jumping up from the settee he dashes upstairs and the box is removed and taken out to the boot of his car. The scene ends with a pov of the box being shut in the boot and the darkness that descends. The  remainder of the film deals with the events that unfold in the lead up to the shootings on that fateful day. We follow Bird through his killing spree up to the penultimate event where he is disorientated in the woods. The end of the film is the climatic event were we have Birds decision to shoot himself, the frantic efforts of the police to find him and the dilema of the emergency services who are under great pressure in attending to the sick, dying and wounded before they lose their fight for life.       

eqipment and camera rentals
Crew (producer, director, dop, assisne t director, camera assisetnet, 

Camera rental  £500 a day
Microphone rental £70 a day
Light rental £90 a day
DV tape stock £100
Props (guns, maps, walking sticks and rambling equipment ambulances police c
Wardrobe contacted comapny fpor a qoute 
Makeup £300 a day
Catering contacted company for a qoute
Toilets  £200 a day
Cabins contacted company for a qoute
Petty cash £800
Transport for equipment and personnel £100000
Post-production( title, sound, music

Home Scene  - 4 days needed     
Forest  Scene - 3 days needed
Road Scene- 9 days needed


Editing will probably take place over a month. Titles and sound recording will take approximately 4 days

Story rights
Production cost
Visual effects

production plan
resources: cameras, actors, transport,
the producer is responsible for assembling the cast and crew and negotiating their contracts . the production process begins with planning. the first stage, pre-production, begins with funding research and devlepment. a budget and schedule ae drawn up and a crew put toghter . thecsecond phase is production, when the film is shot. the third is post production editing, when music and special effects are added and rights are clared. the whole process culminates in the distribution and exhibition of the inshed film. the location must be chosen carefully with plently of notifcation to the people of the area and pplenty of time incase reargaements need to be made. a schedule will be made from the directors shooting scipt. the film willnot be shot in chronlogical sequence, to save time. funding will come from the british council and bbc films the budget worked out  will have to be sticked to, insurance will be part of the cost for the eqipment and public liability a a good chunk of the budget wil have to be set aside incase of unforeseen costs that may occur.
there will be no rights acquistions cost or archie fotae claerance cost but there may be a music clearance cost. prior permission must always be gained where it is needed or there is a good chance the police will shut it down, healthy and safety precudres must also be followed

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