Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A0B4 presenting ideas and evaluation

I presented my ideas to a focus group of typical audience members and clients. I discussed the ideas of the film and showed them some examples of some similar docudrama's to give examples of typical camera work and mise-en-scene. The feedback I got from the clients was, on the whole, very positive and with a lot of interest on the choice of storyline and the narrative structure that I employed. Some of the critisisms levelled at the ideas included the fact that there was possible not enough action and that some broader context relating to other killers could be included.

The appeal of my film will be the fact that it is based on real life events and deals with a theme that is understood worldwide. The story is based on a family who have become divided over their Mother's Will and so will be a subject that many people will be able to relate to. It will be shown as a Docudrama and will therefore be an accurate account of the life of Derrick Bird but will also include some drama to make it exciting to watch. Its orginal in content and narrtive structure for a film of this sort. the film will not be in chronological order as the first scene will be showing the final moments of Derrick Bird's life and will then revert back to telling the story from the beginning.

To improve my idea I could do more research of other similar events from around the world. This would hopefully give me an insight into the minds of people that can carry out such acts and pick up on any similar characteristics or circumstances. I could watch other similar movies or read books, watch documentaries based on similar events.  With this knowledge i would have a greater abilty in making my film and portraying the characters in a realistic way. I think that the making of this film is feasible as long as I am permitted by the relevant authorities and people who it effects to use the story.

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